Monday, February 8, 2010

Life is Scary

Last Friday (Feb 5th) was the scariest day of my life.  I was crossing the street, carrying my 20 month old son, and we were struck by a van.  I still can't believe that this happened to us.  There must have been angels looking after my sweet boy, because he wast thrown out of my arms onto the ground, and has no injuries.  His face is scratched in several places, but all of his parts (internal and external) are fine.  I am very bruised, I have several very sore places, and a broken wrist.  All of those injuries should heal just fine, and I am so comforted by knowing that my little one is okay.

I've never gone through a traumatic experience like this one.  My head keeps replaying the scene (from what I can remember), and it really shakes me up to think of "what could have been".  Facing the reality that random "bad" things happen in everyday life is tough, especially when you think you have control over keeping your family safe.

I have been truly touched by the outpouring of support that I've had in the past few days.  Its so uplifting to know that so many people care about us.  My husband is my rock, and has been so amazing.  I really couldn't make it through without him.

Its going to be a long road to recovery, but things are heading in the right direction.  Today will be full of phone calls to police and insurance, and  I'm sure that will be exhausting, but it is the next step in moving forward.

Please remember to fully appreciate all that you love.  I have been reminded of how easily you can lose someone close to you.  It has given me a new perspective on living each day to its fullest.  Hug and squeeze your little ones, they are so precious.

In health,

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