Monday, December 7, 2009

I Heart Sweet Dreams

The photo challenge this week at I Heart Faces is Sweet Dreams!  I take a lot of pictures of my son sleeping.  He always looks so sweet and innocent...and he is STILL (an easier target!).


 This photo was taken after a long day of play.  He konked out on our bed for a nap and I crawled in with him after taking this.  I didn't sleep, but just stared at him and smelled his intoxicating!  As much fun as he is when he is awake, I cherish these quiet moments with him as well. 

Please do take a look at the other entries this week over at I Heart Faces.  They are beautiful (as always!).


  1. Awww... I remember those days. I couldn't go to bed without kissing my son just one more time! Now he's 18... time flies!
