Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I Heart Outtakes

The photo challenge over at I Heart Faces is Hilarious Outtakes.  I have so many of these, but chose to enter the following:

This was a really bad use of flash.  The baby looks like a giant!


More Blinking

Flipping Mommy the Bird

Hope you enjoyed these.  For a good laugh, please do check out the other entries at I Heart Faces

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays

The holidays are a tough time for a lot of people.  I'm starting to understand why. 
Family dynamics are tough to deal with, especially when they don't go exactly the way that you would prefer. I've been doing a lot of reflection about this and trying to make the time to really enjoy the joys of the holidays and to leave behind some of the grudges and unhappiness I've been carrying around.  I've decided that I don't have room in my life for negativity and will try to be positive in my approach.  Easier said than done, but I know the payoff will be worth it.  I guess I could go on and on about all of the "issues", but its probably not necessary.  Anyone with a family probably understands. 

That being said, it will be a very busy holiday season for us.  We are traveling to the in-laws for Christmas, and then back home where my family is coming to visit.  There will be lots of toddlers and new toys around at both places.  Is this a good mix?  I think we are going to hear the word "NO!" alot (both from the babes and us).  Hopefully everyone will be able to relax and have a good time.  I'm really looking forward to it. 

Now that I'm writing about it, I feel nostalgic for last christmas....my Baby's First Christmas.  He has grown so much since then.  He really loved the paper and ribbons last year....I wonder how this year will be different?  I don't think he will really get caught up in the season until next year, but it will be fun to see how he reacts.  Here's a shot that I love from last year:

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I Heart Sweet Dreams

The photo challenge this week at I Heart Faces is Sweet Dreams!  I take a lot of pictures of my son sleeping.  He always looks so sweet and innocent...and he is STILL (an easier target!).


 This photo was taken after a long day of play.  He konked out on our bed for a nap and I crawled in with him after taking this.  I didn't sleep, but just stared at him and smelled his breath....so intoxicating!  As much fun as he is when he is awake, I cherish these quiet moments with him as well. 

Please do take a look at the other entries this week over at I Heart Faces.  They are beautiful (as always!).

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Heart Tooshies

The photo challenge at I Faces this week is all about TOOSHIES!  Its a shame (but totally understandable) that naked tooshes are not allowed.  That being the case, this is one of the only entries that I could come up with. It was a nice warm day in the summer and my son was soaking in the sun, yet captivated by the tractor next door!

Please do head over to I Heart Faces and check out the other entries.  They are very cute this week!