Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I Heart Outtakes

The photo challenge over at I Heart Faces is Hilarious Outtakes.  I have so many of these, but chose to enter the following:

This was a really bad use of flash.  The baby looks like a giant!


More Blinking

Flipping Mommy the Bird

Hope you enjoyed these.  For a good laugh, please do check out the other entries at I Heart Faces

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays

The holidays are a tough time for a lot of people.  I'm starting to understand why. 
Family dynamics are tough to deal with, especially when they don't go exactly the way that you would prefer. I've been doing a lot of reflection about this and trying to make the time to really enjoy the joys of the holidays and to leave behind some of the grudges and unhappiness I've been carrying around.  I've decided that I don't have room in my life for negativity and will try to be positive in my approach.  Easier said than done, but I know the payoff will be worth it.  I guess I could go on and on about all of the "issues", but its probably not necessary.  Anyone with a family probably understands. 

That being said, it will be a very busy holiday season for us.  We are traveling to the in-laws for Christmas, and then back home where my family is coming to visit.  There will be lots of toddlers and new toys around at both places.  Is this a good mix?  I think we are going to hear the word "NO!" alot (both from the babes and us).  Hopefully everyone will be able to relax and have a good time.  I'm really looking forward to it. 

Now that I'm writing about it, I feel nostalgic for last christmas....my Baby's First Christmas.  He has grown so much since then.  He really loved the paper and ribbons last year....I wonder how this year will be different?  I don't think he will really get caught up in the season until next year, but it will be fun to see how he reacts.  Here's a shot that I love from last year:

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I Heart Sweet Dreams

The photo challenge this week at I Heart Faces is Sweet Dreams!  I take a lot of pictures of my son sleeping.  He always looks so sweet and innocent...and he is STILL (an easier target!).


 This photo was taken after a long day of play.  He konked out on our bed for a nap and I crawled in with him after taking this.  I didn't sleep, but just stared at him and smelled his breath....so intoxicating!  As much fun as he is when he is awake, I cherish these quiet moments with him as well. 

Please do take a look at the other entries this week over at I Heart Faces.  They are beautiful (as always!).

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Heart Tooshies

The photo challenge at I Faces this week is all about TOOSHIES!  Its a shame (but totally understandable) that naked tooshes are not allowed.  That being the case, this is one of the only entries that I could come up with. It was a nice warm day in the summer and my son was soaking in the sun, yet captivated by the tractor next door!

Please do head over to I Heart Faces and check out the other entries.  They are very cute this week!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Take the Time to BE Happy!

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."   Abraham Lincoln

I came across this quote the other day, and I really like it.   I think it really hits home for me right now, as I struggle with being mindful about each day and taking time to enjoy every bit of it.

The minutiae of everyday living becomes all consuming, and sometimes I miss seeing the big picture.  I feel like right now I'm constantly making lists of things I need to "get done", getting bogged down with "what I haven't done" instead of focusing on all of the great things around me.  I have to remind myself that as we grow older, we will look back and remember the times we spent with family and friends....not whether or not the toilet or shower stall was cleaned twice that week.

 I have a wonderful husband who is not only my best friend, but also a partner in raising our son and keeping our household.  I am so lucky to have him in my life, and I don't take the time to be thankful for that as much as I should.   I have a happy healthy son who loves to play and learn and give big hugs (and sloppy kisses)!  I really need to remind myself to cherish every minute of his childhood since it goes by so quickly (the last 17 months are proof of that!).

I'm beginning to realize that I've been going through somewhat of a "grieving" period lately.  It sounds silly to say (especially when surrounded by so much joy), but I'm finding that lately I really miss my "old" life.  I had a really long talk with my husband  explaining these things, and he seems to understand, but not feel exactly the same.  I think that he is just more easy going, and adjusted to parenthood much easier than I did.  I said that I really missed the long walks we would take on weekends, the wine tastings, the awesome dinners...the pure spontaneity of the weekend.  I know that these things will return in time, but they will be different.  Our family dynamic has changed and will never be the way it was.  I have got to come to terms with this, and learn to look back fondly and move on.  I have to remember to be happy with what I have and to constantly work at making it better. 

Yes, President Lincoln.  You are right.  I have made up my mind to be happy, and dammit, I'm going to do JUST that!
Thanks for the reminder.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Excitement?

I really don't like Halloween very much.  There, I said it.  I guess I'm just paranoid, but I don't like the idea of weirdos dressing up in something very scary and trying to "scare" you.  Call me paranoid.  I think its a holiday that belongs to little kids, and should stay that way.  Maybe I'm afraid of the "dark" side of things. 

However, I really do love seeing little kids dressed up in costume, pretending to be something else for a day.  So adorable!  It doesn't seem like its been an entire year since my little one was a tiger:

What's even more unbelievable is that its been 2 years since my nephew wore the same costume!!  (I love his expression in this photo!  It screams "Mom, why do you make me look so silly?!?!")

This year, my guy will be a pirate (another hand me down from cuz).  I wish I would have tried the costume on him this weekend so that I would have had a cute photo to enter into the I Heart Faces photo challenge, but I suppose I'll have to save it for next year!

We'll be attending the party at his daycare tonight, and it will be interesting to see if he likes wearing his costume or if he tries to rip it off!  Either way, I'm sure it will be fun.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I've been sick for over a month.  This is ridiculous.  I haven't been incapacited (no fever, no real aches)....more of a "walking" sickness, but really...I'm ready to be germ-free!  I had a cough for 3.5 weeks (that is finally gone), and have had a sinus infection for about a week now.  What a mess.

Before I had a child, I usually got a "cold" once per year.  That's it.  Seems like my little germ-fest of a kid carries alot of things home to share with us.  Isn't that nice of him?  Hmmm....I'm not amused!

I'm so reluctant to start a strain of antibiotics, because I'm convinced that my immune system is really close to beating this latest germ.  I really can't even remember the last time that I actually had an antibiotic.  I felt quite antiquated when the doctor subscribed a "ZPAC", and I thought, what's wrong with good old penicillin?  I haven't filled the prescription yet.....there seem to be alot of adverse reactions to this ZPAC.   Why would I want to feel sicker from something that is supposed to make me better?

So, I'm going to try the saline flush tonight.  The idea kind of grosses me out, but there are tons of people out there that swear by it.  At this point, I just want the sinus congestion gone.  Hopefully it will be the quick fix that I'm looking for!  (Although, I've had to gear myself up for this all day long...am I a wuss, or what!?)

Along these lines, I've been thinking alot about the H1N1 vaccine, and whether the bennies are going to outweigh the cons.  I was really at the point last night where I thought that I was not going to get my son the vaccine (he did get a seasonal flu shot), and then my husband said, what would you do if that flu killed out son.  Ouch.  Why is there so much guilt and drama involved with being a parent.  These decisions really drive me crazy!!!  From what I hear, it only gets more difficult...these are the easy problems to deal with.  Yikes.

Here's to good health!


Monday, October 19, 2009


This week's photo challenge at I Faces is "Pink" in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness month. 

I'm entering this photo of my sister-in-law and niece.  Nothing is more "pink" to me than a baby at play.  Watching babies play reminds me how precious life is.  Now, it would be a leap to say that this reminds me to check my breasts, but I do check regularly, as I hope that every woman does.  If you have a woman in your life that you love, please remind them to check, its not embarrassing, its life saving!

My mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor, and she is a wonderful woman who has a lot of people very grateful that she is with us today.

To see more photo's to celebrate "PINK", check out http://www.iheartfaces.com/
The entries this week are spectacular!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy and Sad?

Being a wife and a parent has taught me that the family that I have brings me an immense amount of joy.   That same joy can turn into the deepest sorrow I could ever know.  This isn't something that I think about alot, but there have been  a few examples of this lately, and they have literally brought me to tears.  This whole parenthood thing is making me weepy.....with joy and sadness! 

A few weeks ago, I watched the movie Seven Pounds, and it made me cry.  I cried because it poignantly shows that everything you love in life can be taken away from you in a very quick moment.  I wept myself to sleep that night after watching it thinking about what my llife would be like without my husband or son (or both!?!?!).
(This is by no means a plug for the movie.  Overall, it was "okay", and I would have really liked it if they would have explained what the actual Seven Pounds were...but that's another blog) .

A few days later, I was driving in the car and heard a man talking about marriage and relationships.  He explained that he and his wife were having a difficult time because they lost a son 9 years ago to a genetic disease and now their youngest son was now dying of that same disease.  How does a parent continue to go on once they lose a child?  I don't know that I could bear this kind of pain, but to lose two has got to be devastating.  How do you maintain your relationship with your spouse, or even just decide to get up in the morning?  The man was so sweet and continued to try to make his wife happy during this horrible time in their lives.  He was so committed to their relationship that he wasn't going to let the tragedy tear them apart.  It was so touching, and added another moment of tears for me.

Now, for the record, I'm not much of a crier.  Hard to believe, right?  Its true.  I'm usually pretty good about dealing with emotions as they come along....but when thoughts of losing these two people who make up my whole life get into my head, its not hard to start crying.  Yikes.  The thing that scares me the most about having these feelings is that I don't want to live my life in fear.  I have to  be mindful to concentrate on the positive and to savor every moment in life and enjoy the experiences that come my way.  Easier said than done...but this is what I'm trying to learn from these feelings.

Until next time....those are my Arinomics for the day. 

"Excited" Photo Challenge

This week's Photo Challenge at I Heart Faces is "Excited".  It makes me think back to when my son started eating and how exciting it was for him.  I caught this photo while he was eating a Biter Biscuit.  Doesn't sound too appealing to me, but he loved them.

To see other entries for "Excitement" visit  http://www.iheartfaces.com/

Monday, September 28, 2009


This is my first Blog.  Many have told me they started blogs, then abandom them quickly.  I don't have grandiose plans of blogging every day, but I do like the thought of having this medium to share my thoughts on life.

Here's me in a nutshell:

I'm a working mom of a 16month old son.  I can't believe how quickly the past 16 months have FLOWN by!!  Keeping a balance between work and home is difficult, but I always try to keep in mind that as people get older, most don't look back and say "I wish I would have spent less time with my kids."  Having that in mind reminds me to make my family come first and to savor all of the time I have with them.  I try to be mindful of being in the moment because they do go by too quickly.

I'm a suburbanite.  My husband and I used to live in the city (Boston) and ate at great restaurants and went to wine tastings regularly.  We have traded that in for afternoons at the playground and reading Truck books before bed!!  Its not quite an even trade, but I'm sure the sommeliers don't miss us.

I love to travel, but haven't done so for a while.  We might get to start doing some great trips again once our toddler is a bit older.  Japan, New Zealand and Spain are at the top of the travel "wish list" right now.

I also love photography.  I used to photograph weddings....the happiest day of most people's lives.  It was a lot of fun.  Since it consumes most of your weekend time, I won't be returning to that any time soon.  My little fella is the subject of most of my photography now, and he has been a willing subject so far!

Thanks for reading.