It seems we just can't catch a break this month. Matt had his vasectomy last Thursday (things went well), so I had full time care of the kids, since he was in some pain and couldn't lift anything. I honestly can't understand how single parents do it. Maybe I'm just a wimp, or maybe my kids are really high maintenance, but there is no possible way that I could do this full time.
I tried to go to the YMCA for yoga class on Saturday morning, but was called out 25 minutes into it since Lu was crying non-stop in Child Watch. Twenty five minutes of yoga was just not enough to get me to where I needed to be. The rest of the day wasn't terrible, but I was already looking forward to Tuesday.
Saturday was our 10 year anniversary. We didn't plan too well, but did get a babysitter at the last minute. We got to go to lunch together on Sunday. It was a nice break....but I felt like I couldn't relax. I felt tired and worn out. Not too fun to be around. I feel like I'm just less fun to be around since having kids. I feel less interesting. Blah. Matt thinks I just need to relax. And I'm trying.
Cy got a fever on Sunday after we got home from lunch. Of course this means he was whiny and cranky. This kid hardly ever gets sick, and this is the second time this month. His daycare just admitted a bunch of new kids, so I'm wondering if there are just a new set of germs to deal with. Ugh. Now I'm just waiting for Lu to get it.
Monday was okay, but it just felt like a long day. I tried to get some work done so that I would be able to stay home someday during the week if Lu comes down with a fever. (fatalistic or realistic?)
There was a nice 2 hour block in the afternoon of QUIET (the boys and Lu were napping). It was a nice, and I got some photo editing done. I actually felt a bit better after this break. I felt more able to deal with the rest of the day after getting a little time to myself.
After we put the kids to bed, we even had a little time to watch another episode of Breaking Bad on Netflix. What a great show!!! I'm glad we only watched one episode, though...since both kids were up a little after 3am. So, today I'm tired. Again. Like I said...we can't seem to catch a break. Oh, and allergies are starting, too. Bonus.